Thursday, April 14, 2005

Anisha's turn to type...

This week for us has been an exciting one.
Ben is almost finished with his private pilot license and will start the instrument course in May.

We are getting the apartment ready for our friends Paul and Beth, who are coming all the way over from England. We are really looking forward to seeing them!
Also this week, our church, Crosswalk Community Church, here in Titusville has decided to support us in training for missions! This is such an awesome testimony to God's faithfulness and yet another confirmation that we are headed in the right direction. We are so excited to be headed towards careers in missions.
I have been studying hard with Covenant College's The Chalmers Centre and am in the third (and final) Microfinance/enterprise course module. Hope to complete the entire course (last assignment is a ministry plan) by September. Then I will get a nice little certificate from the Center. Yippee! This is a great course, I am learning so much about indigenous savings groups and how smart and clever the 'poor' really are! Would recommend taking the class if you are going to work in missions. Even if your role within the ministry will not be financial based you should still take the course because of the insight into the incredible ways the poor handle financial hardships. After this class, I would like to study French at the local community college, but those plans are up in the air because we don't know where Ben will get an instructing job after his course his finished. We shall see.

In bunny news, the Roast and Stew are going to the vet next Thursday to see if they are ready to be neutered. I can hardly wait till that day! The buns are really great and I enjoy them, but Stew has a bit too much hormone induced behavior going on. Look forward to when he goes back to the same temperament he had before the testicles took over...Roast on the other hand is pretty much the same as he has always been...a gentle, friendly rabbit who enjoys a good rub between the ears. Hope that doesn't ever change. Oh yes, both rabbits have now discovered the mysterious land that is the plywood top to the cage. They are strangely fascinated by it, probably because it serves as an excellent lookout post. Silly rabbits...

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