June 2013
With what seems like an ever growing to do list in front of us, it's encouraging to take a moment and review what we've already accomplished. Here's what we've been up to:May 6 - Ben gained his 1,000th flight hour! This is a big mile stone in any pilots life and Ben's employer presented him with a Safety Award to commemorate the achievement.
June 7 - Ben's last day at work. He was congratulated by the Director of Maintenance and presented with an Outstanding Achievement Award for his 8 years at the flight school having been a mechanic, student, and instructor. The decision to leave employment a few weeks earlier than originally anticipated will allow Ben to spend some quality time with Isaiah.
June 25 - Shared about our work with Helimission at a bible study. This was our 7th opportunity to share in a group and we're hoping to be able to do more before we go.
June 27 - Completed admissions process and registered for classes at Elim Bible Institute.
June 30 - Ben flew out to Arizona for his checkout flight with New Tribes. He'll be home July 3rd.

Missions Sunday at City Church

Details, details, details
The big stuff, like announcing we're moving to Papua, was actually pretty easy. But now come the details - packing lists, health appointments, and sorting through all of our possessions. The main bits we'd like to ask for prayer for are:· Family unity.
· Maximize time. We're only one month away from moving!
· Paper work. Renew passports, obtain immunization records, health records, etc.
· Deciding what possessions to pack, ship, and give away.
· Smooth transition/logistics as we travel from place to place.
· Opportunities to share about the work of Helimission and what we will do in Papua.
· Participation in the Summer Spectacular kids camp with Friends of Refugees in Clarkston, Georgia. We'd really like to volunteer at camp again! This year our group would be at camp July 21-26, but this is right at crunch time for us. We are planning to go, but need to be able to work everything else out in good time.
We'll keep you updated as things progress. Thank you for all your prayers and support, we really appreciate it!
Ben, Anisha & Isaiah
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